Personal finance can be a daunting and challenging task for many people. It is essential to manage your finances, but it can seem like such an overwhelming thing to tackle alone. Luckily, there are some great tools out there that will help you get started with your financial goals!
This post will go over the top personal money management tools (both online and offline) that will help you grow your net worth!
Personal Capital
Personal Capital is a free tool that allows you to monitor your net worth, cash flow and analyze your investments. You can connect all of your financial accounts into one place (checking, savings, credit cards) so they are easily accessible. The tool does not charge for this service either. You can use a paystub generator to consolidate your cash flow as you let the tool monitor your net worth. Once everything has been connected, it will create various charts and graphs that will show you where your money is going.
This tool also has a retirement fee analyzer which will give suggestions on how to cut costs to save more for the future! You can set up specific goals and track them over time with this service, so it helps motivate you to reach your goals!
Empower is a web-based financial planning service that you can use to manage your budget, track expenses, and build savings. It also has a tool that allows you to set up specific goals for yourself, so it helps keep you motivated to reach those goals. The tools are easy to use and have been tested by over one million users!
This tool is an excellent way to manage your money online. It allows you to set specific goals, so it helps keep you motivated! The tools are easy to use and can be accessed anywhere with internet access! Start managing your finances today by signing up for Empower.
Mint is another great tool that allows you to connect your bank accounts and credit cards to monitor spending. It also analyses your cash flow to give suggestions on how much money should be spent or saved each month!
This service does not require any account information since it pulls the data directly from the banks themselves, making it a safe tool. You can also track all of your investments in addition to your credit score with this service! It is an excellent way to manage and grow your net worth!
PocketGuard is a free service that allows you to set up specific goals for yourself. It will help keep track of your spending and saving habits, making it easier to reach those goals!
The user interface on this tool stands out since the design has been created by an actual engineer who wanted something better than what was currently available online. Since it is a web-based service, you can access it from anywhere with an internet connection. The tool also has an excellent user guide that will help walk you through how to use it, so there isn't any confusion!
There are several personal money management tools out there that can help you! Whether it's budgeting, tracking spending, or saving for retirement, there's a service to fit your needs. Start using these services today and reach those financial goals!