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About us

Get to know a little about us, who we are, our partners and why we are here.

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Short history

PhoneMore was born on January 19, 2012 on the Brazilian coast, Guaratuba, hometown of Mauricio Hernaski who met the computer before the commercial internet arrived in Brazil, in 1993. Soon after in 1997 he already started with web programming and from this he already knew that he wanted to work with the Web. After developing many projects, in 2012 he wanted to do something different that could help people understand mobile devices without the need to be an expert on the subject.

With this short summary, PhoneMore was born, with many ideas, challenges and efforts. We grew and evolved, the learning continues.

Nowadays PhoneMore is one of the leading mobile device and phone comparison websites on the internet, available in several countries with millions of monthly views, millions of data and grows every year.

Our Mission

Providing the best information about mobile devices and making it globally accessible and useful.

Contact us

Contact us here for suggestions, partnerships, publications or available job openings.

Who We Are

Euler VazEuler Vaz
Executive-Editor Brazil.
brazil Goiás, Brazil

Waleska Camargo LaurethWaleska Camargo Laureth
Executive-Editor Spain and Latin America.
spain Zaragoza, Spain

Daniel T. AndersonDaniel T. Anderson
Partner: Marketing and content.
usa California, United States

Florian BergFlorian Berg
Partner: Translations and content.
germany Berlin, Germany

Hannah HillsHannah Hills
Partner: Web content.
canada Toronto, Canada

Jorge Calvo MachoJorge Calvo Macho
Partner: Reviews International.
spain Madrid, Spain

Juliano BerlitzJuliano Berlitz
Partner: WebGlobal and WebPrice.
brazil Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Kyryk OleksandrKyryk Oleksandr
Partner: Kirik.Pro - SEO.
ukraine Ukraine

Nicholas H. ParkerNicholas H. Parker
Partner: Content contributor.
usa Florida, United States

Mauricio Eduardo HernaskiMauricio Eduardo Hernaski
Founder of PhoneMore.
spain Zaragoza, Spain

zaragoza, spain

PhoneMore Media ©
50720, Zaragoza, Spain
European Union


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