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Top 4 tips to help you get the most out of your Instagram followers

There are ways in which you can revive your Instagram account. Here are the top 4 tips to help you get the most out of your Instagram followers.

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drawing of a girl in a notebook with the instagram logo

For years now, people have been experimenting with ways that could boost their Instagram following. However, as the Instagram algorithm evolves, the issue isn’t fixated on the number of followers anymore. Today, there are accounts with hundreds of thousands of followers with only two thousand likes on their posts and as their engagement drops, their visibility significantly decreases too. Similarly, some accounts have just a few hundred followers, and up to 80% of them are active. Fortunately, there are ways in which you can revive your Instagram account despite its notorious algorithm. Here are the top 4 tips to help you get the most out of your Instagram followers.

1. Stickers for Inspiring Conversations

We can all agree that the Instagram Story stickers are very fun to use. We’re all guilty of using a sticker to slickly hide a stained shirt or a messy bedroom in our Instagram stories. You’ve also probably used the famous “ask me a question” sticker when you’ve had nothing better to do. Well, you’re in luck because Instagram stickers are a great way to boost your engagement. These stickers are a good way to help your audience understand your business and grasp a better idea of your products. Not only that, but you can use them to ask your followers questions that will help you get to know them better or ask them about the products that they would like to see more of. Understanding your customers will help you enhance other aspects of your business, including your product line, customer service, and marketing efforts.

You can also use the poll stickers to encourage them to interact with your business. You can get them to choose between two products or ask them if they have tried out certain merch yet. The quiz sticker can be used to challenge your audience’s knowledge about your brand and the industry in general. Countdown stickers can be used to pique interest and traction regarding new releases, sales, events, and more. Creating interactive stories is a good way to encourage your customers to interact, boost brand awareness, and promote customer loyalty.

2. Best Posting Time

The time in which you post plays a great role when it comes to engagement. If your posting time is off, or if you’re inconsistent with your posts, you could be limiting your Instagram engagement. Instagram’s algorithm favors content that gets a lot of interaction in a short amount of time, moving it all the way up users’ feeds. This is why you should always monitor and track your analytics to find out when the best time for you to post is. The Instagram specialists from suggest that you keep in mind that time zones affect best engagement times, which is why what works for someone else’s followers may not work for yours. All you need to do is download an app that gives you personalized insight into your followers’ activity.

3. Saveable Content

Another thing that greatly distinguishes prioritized accounts from weaker ones, according to Instagram’s algorithm, is the number of saves on a post. A great way to boost your engagement would be by creating saveable content. The best save-worthy posts are the ones that include content that would come in handy at a later time. For instance, if you are in the fashion industry, you can post tips on how to make a basic outfit stand out. This way, your audience is likely to save the post so that they can go back to it whenever they want to spice up their outfit. Tips, hacks, advice, and recommendations are all content that users would probably want to revisit.

instagram home screen on the laptop

4. Shareable Content

Creating shareable content is key to attracting more audiences. By creating shareable content, you will be reaching more people through your followers. For instance, most meme accounts grow in size because they post content that users would like to share with their friends. You don’t have to limit yourself to DM shares, however. By posting inspiring quotes, interesting data, or infographics, exploring topics of great importance, inciting intrigue, or discussing trending topics, you will encourage your audience to repost your content on their Instagram stories. Instagram allows you to see the number of times your post has been shared or reposted and inform you about the best performing posts.

Instagram is among the best ways to boost brand awareness and communicate with present and prospect audiences. However, as the Instagram algorithm becomes more and more selective, it becomes harder to stand out. Luckily, there are ways in which you can revive your account and improve engagement.

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