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Can you have multiple cloud storage?

If you want to make your cloud storage experience as easy as possible and save hard drive space, discover the power of cloud storage. This can be used on any platform.

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three women holding posters, one of them with cloud storage written on it

How to properly organize file storage so that it is convenient and safe? Cloud storage has become a popular solution among millions of users around the world. But what to do if you need to work with several clouds at the same time? Efficiently manage cloud storage and remote servers with multiple cloud storage manager!

Application features

CloudMounter is an innovative cloud storage manager that allows you to manage multiple clouds and guarantees the user maximum security.

Using the application, you can work with documents, photos, audio, video files and other data stored on various cloud servers, including:

  • OneDrive;
  • Google Drive;
  • Amazon S3;
  • Dropbox and others.

For comfortable and productive work, you only need to organize your accounts as local computer drives. The application is available for use on Windows and Mac.

Data protection and hard drive space saving

CloudMounter is a development that can be easily integrated into the system and provides management of local and online files. With cloud storage encryption provided, you can be completely sure of protecting your privacy and minimizing the risk of hacking.

Another important advantage of the application is a significant saving of hard disk space. All cloud files that the user manages are not stored on it. This allows you to free up from 2 to 30 GB or more, optimizing the operation of the device and rationally distributing free space.

Platform doesn't matter

CloudMounter can be used on any device regardless of platform type. A comprehensive cloud manager will work equally effectively on Windows, iOS, Linux, Android devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops, personal computers).

The experience of numerous private and corporate users demonstrates the ease and convenience of using CloudMounter. If you want to make your cloud storage experience as easy as possible and save hard drive space, discover the power of this modern app.


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